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Gene Keluche

2024 Inductee

As a member of the Wintu Tribe of Northern California, Gene A. Keluche (1933 – 2022) honored his Native heritage through his business and personal endeavors. He was a Naval FJ-3/4 pilot and earned a B.S. in Applied Engineering Science from California State University, Chico and MBA from Harvard Business School. Keluche was the Founder and CEO of International Conference Resorts Inc. and directed the design, development, and operation of executive conference centers, including the Cheyenne Mountain Conference Resort. He created the Native Communities Development Corporation, a consortium of Native American professionals who assisted tribes with their economic and community development projects.

In 1994, Keluche and his wife, Freita, founded the Native American Sports Council (NASC) under the United States Olympic Committee. Through the NASC, they developed the Athlete Development and Assistance Program, which supported Olympic-bound Native American youth; created a sports wellness curriculum used by tribal communities across the country; and partnered with the U.S. Air Force Academy on Native youth programs for the Colorado State Games and NASC Sports Warrior Camp.

Keluche served on many boards, including the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian International Founders Council, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Foundation and was an advisor to American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES). Keluche was known for his wisdom and servant-minded leadership, and drew people to his work through compassionate representation among the Native American community.